Notice on the manner of realization of the request for repurchase of shares of the company Dalekovod d.d., pursuant to the decision of the General Assembly of Dalekovod d.d. from 30/06/2021 on a simplified share capital reduction


Pursuant to the decision of the General Assembly of Dalekovod d.d., Zagreb, Ulica Marijana Čavića 4, PIN: 47911242222 (hereinafter: the "Company") from 30/06/2021 on the Company's simplified share capital reduction (hereinafter: the "Decision") and for the purposes of a possible repurchase of the Company's treasury shares, shareholders who have shown interest are hereby informed that the weighted average of all share prices of the Company realized on the regulated market in the last three months before the date of publication of the invitation to the General Assembly meeting in the Company's official journal is HRK 5.52 (five kunas and fifty-two lipas). The stated price was officially determined by the company ZAGREBAČKA BURZA d.d (Zagreb Stock Exchange).
The Company has 98,836 treasury shares.
Shareholders who do not have a sufficient number of shares on their securities accounts to acquire the entire number of new shares after the reverse stock split pursuant to the Decision, may request the Company to repurchase the Company's treasury shares which they need in order to have on their securities accounts the number of shares which is a multiple of 100, at the moment of the implementation of the corporate share capital reduction action by the reverse stock split.
Shareholders may request the repurchase of shares from the Company in accordance with the preceding paragraph only under the following conditions:
1. each shareholder has the right to repurchase only as many shares from the Company as they need in order to have on their securities account the number of shares which is the multiple of 100 at the time of the implementation of this corporate action, provided that in no case shall they be able to repurchase more shares from the Company than the number which represents the difference between the number of shares they had at the end of the first working day after the announcement of the invitation to the General Assembly and the first following major multiple of 100;

2. shares may be acquired from the Company for the price calculated as the average share price realized on the regulated market, calculated as a weighted average of all Company's shares prices realized on the regulated market in the last three months before the announcement of the invitation to the General Assembly meeting in the Company’s official journal, that is for the amount of HRK 5.52 (five kunas and fifty-two lipas) for 1 share;
3. a shareholder shall submit to the Company a share repurchase request no later than 5 p.m. on the tenth working day from the date of the Decision, that is from 30/06/2021.
The Company shall not accept shareholders' requests for the repurchase of the Company's shares, if by such repurchase the respective shareholder will not have a number of shares on their securities account that is a multiple of 100.
Considering that the Company has a limited number of treasury shares, there is a possibility that the Company will not be able to accept the requests of all shareholders to repurchase the Company's shares. The Company shall consider the received shareholder requests for the repurchase of shares according to the time of receipt, with priority given to requests received earlier. Pursuant to the Decision, shareholders do not have the priority to repurchase the Company's shares.
The Company shall notify the shareholders of the accepted repurchase requests no later than one working day from the expiration of the deadline for submitting share repurchase requests pursuant to the Decision.
Shareholders whose share repurchase requests will be accepted shall conclude the agreement with the Company on the sale and transfer of shares no later than two working days after receiving the notification from the previous paragraph and they shall pay the price for repurchased shares no later than two working days after concluding the agreement. In case the shareholder does not conclude the agreement with the Company within the specified period, it shall be considered that they have waived the share repurchase request. Payment of the price for the repurchased shares within the specified period is an essential element of the agreement on the sale and transfer of shares. The costs of concluding and implementing the agreement shall be borne by the Company.
Point 6 of the Decision shall apply to the shareholders whose requests are not accepted and to those who withdraw their repurchase request or who are deemed to have waived the request for redemption.