UN Global Compact

Dalekovod d.d. is a member of the UN Global Compact whereby the company has committed itself to:

1. Human rights:
Respect and support the protection of internationally recognized human rights
Not participate in violating human rights

2. Worker rights:
Application of free association and in real terms recognize the right to collective agreements
Root out all forms of forced labor
Elimination of child labor
Avoid discrimination when employing for work posts

3. Environmental protection:
Carefully and responsibly resolve all issues relating to environmental protection
Initiate initiatives whose goal it is to promote greater responsibility towards the environment
Encourage development and adoption of technology which are acceptable for the environment

4. Elimination of corruption:
Fight all forms of corruption including extortion and bribery


Social responsibility report 2015

Social responsibility report 2014  

Social responsibility report 2013 

Social responsibility report 2011

Izvješće o društvenoj odgovornosti 2010   

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